There is also a newborn photography company available at the

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Good Samaritan Hospital has seven private rooms that are available to our patients at no extra charge. There are six additional private rooms on our newly refurbished maternity wing that cost $225 per night. These rooms include television and phone service, complimentary meals for the patient and their significant other, Canada Goose Outlet as well as other amenities, such as canada goose black friday sale a small fridge cheap Canada Goose and a hair dryer.

Do you offer prenatal, sibling or other classes?

canada goose clearance sale Good Samaritan offers a robust perinatal education program for parents and parents to be. It starts with an canada goose clearance Early Pregnancy class to prepare the expectant couple for what lies in the months ahead. We offer a comprehensive Childbirth Preparation course (Lamaze) to educate and prepare first time parents. A shorter “refresher” course is available to remind parents canada goose of the breathing, relaxation canada goose store and labor support techniques they learned from their first birth. There are also individual classes, which cover preparing couples for baby care and an introduction to breast feeding. There’s a big brother/Big sister class to help prepare children for the new addition, as well as a grandparents class with information on advances in buy canada goose jacket cheap child care and how to baby proof your home. Additionally, there are classes to offer assistance once your Canada Goose Jackets baby arrives. This includes a support group for women who are experiencing depression or anxiety during pregnancy or after birth. We also offer a Breast feeding Caf, New Mother’s Support Group, infant massage classes and breast pump rentals. canada goose clearance sale

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canada goose factory sale After welcoming their baby into the world, new parents at Good Samaritan can announce their bundle of joy to the entire hospital by pushing a button in the delivery room that plays a lullaby throughout the building. canada goose clearance sale We recognize the first boy and girl born each year at Good Samaritan with two gift baskets from local businesses filled with goodies for the parents and their newborn. On Mother’s Day, we recognize all of our new moms with flowers and a special commemorative Mother’s Day poem. During Easter, Halloween and Christmas, our volunteers make soft, cuddly eggs, pumpkins and stockings to swaddle our holiday newborns. canada goose factory sale

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Yes, we have a Level III NICU as designated by the New York State Department of Health. canada goose outlet It is the largest neonatal center on the South Shore of Long Island, treating approximately 500 infants each year. The 16 bed facility provides a broad spectrum of specialized multidisciplinary intensive care services for infants as young as 23 weeks and as small as 1 pound at birth. A neonatologist Canada Goose online is in the hospital 24 hours a day, seven days a week to attend to all high risk deliveries, provide medical care, and support infants and their families.

Do you have a labor and delivery room?

Canada Goose Outlet Yes, there are seven labor and delivery rooms, in addition to two operating rooms dedicated to the unit. There are also seven antepartum beds and three beds for triage. Canada Goose Outlet

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Doulas are welcome at Good Samaritan and allowed to serve as labor support. Midwives are not permitted.

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Good Samaritan maintains an infant alarm system to keep our tiniest patients and their families safe.

Is there a breast feeding coach and lactation consultant available on site? Does the hospital support breast and/or bottle feeding?

uk buy canada goose jacket canada goose Good Samaritan’s breast feeding program provides patients with staff that are certified breastfeeding counselors. Additionally, we have several full and part time international board certified lactation consultants who are available to answer any questions and assist with techniques as canada goose coats on sale you develop a bond Canada Goose sale with your newborn. Good Samaritan was one of two Long Island facilities recognized by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) and the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) for excellence in lactation care. While we offer a wide range of services and resources geared toward breast feeding, we also understand that every family has different needs. As a result, we also offer services and resources to assist new parents with canada goose deals bottle feeding and supplementation. uk canada goose

Is videotaping/photographing the birth allowed? A photographer for newborns available?

Canada Goose sale While we try to accommodate families who want to capture those priceless moments in the delivery room, patient safety is our primary focus. Photographs are allowed at the discretion of the attending physician; however, videotaping is prohibited. Following the delivery, once the family is safe and healthy, our staff is always willing to assist (and participate!) in family pictures. There is also a newborn photography company available at the hospital. hydrobath, labor ball, etc.)? Canada Goose sale

canada goose black friday sale At Good Samaritan, we offer a peanut ball to expectant mothers who would like assistance during labor. This small therapy ball helps to shorten the first and second stages of labor while also decreasing C section rates. canada goose black friday sale

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Yes, free tours are offered by members of our perinatal education team.

Does the hospital do cord blood banking?

Canada Goose Coats canadian goose jacket On Sale Cord blood banking is available to patients Canada Goose Parka at Good Samaritan. This can be coordinated through their OBGYN using an outside vendor. Canada Goose Coats On Sale

Do you offer any parting swag bags with samples?

canada goose uk shop While we don’t offer any specific “swag bags” to patients when they are discharged, we do provide several complimentary items, including sample products, to families during their stay with us. canada goose uk shop

Are siblings allowed to visit? Can the spouse sleep in the room?

We recommend visits for siblings who are 2 years and older, but welcome children of all ages. Partners are permitted to sleep at the hospital if their significant other is in a single patient room.

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